DALSM 4-Day Training
The Disciplined Agile Lean Scrum Master four-day training course is a strong yet agnostic foundation for agile, lean, Disciplined Agile, and Choosing Your WoW. Delivered by Beth Ouellette
Aug 17, 2020, 8:00 AM EDT – Aug 20, 2020, 5:00 PM EDT
Zoom Video Conferencing
As a team leader or team member you strive to be more agile and help your team be more productive. To succeed, you need an agile mindset, combined with leadership and team management skills. At the same time need to do so within the context of your organization and its culture. The new Disciplined Agile Lean Scrum Master (DALSM) training and certification provides tools and strategies to help you lead an agile team, influence people, and remove impediments. Using real-world agile strategies, you will learn how to tailor your team’s Way of Working (WoW) to optimize productivity and continuously improve.
This 4-Day DALSM training course is designed to set a strong yet agnostic foundation for agile, add to this lean with governance, and then finish it off with the Disciplined Agile practice. Thus the course includes one day of Agile (all-inclusive), one day of Lean (with governance), and two days of Disciplined Agile Delivery (Foundations of DA and Choosing Your WoW). All content is based on the Choose your WoW: Disciplined Agile Delivery Handbook For Optimizing Ways of Working, and it provides guided continuous improvement for teams looking to become effective at software delivery using Agile techniques.
The course covers all aspects of Disciplined Agile, from conceptual level, content organization, roles and team structures, as well as concepts like eliminating waste, cost of delay, quality, rapid feedback and response, and the role of management. As you already know, enabling you to choose a “Way of Working” that is backed by Scott Ambler and Mark Lines through their years of research and implementation of Disciplined Agile. Upon completion of this workshop, you will be prepared to become DALSM certified.
Course Logistics
Course length: 28 hours
Instructors – Beth Ouellette
PDU’s 28
What You Will Learn
- To apply the values, principles, and practices of agile on your team
- To describe how to create the environment within which flow of value can be achieved
- To determine the steps required to achieve business agility and what it takes to do it in your organization
- To choose the appropriate practices and techniques given your working environment to continuously improve your WoW
- To identify tailored solutions to address common organizational and management needs that still exist even when you are agile
DALSM Course Audience
Those who will find value in the Disciplined Agile course are from all levels of the organizations and from all perspectives of agile knowledge and understanding. For example, executives who wish to use Disciplined Agile as a business transformation vehicle will gain insights and ideas. Functional managers, mid-level managers, Portfolio and Program managers of teams who wish to create more effective agile applications within and across their teams will find value. Team leads, project managers, SCRUM Masters, and team members seeking to improve their application of agile on a day-to-day basis will have new tools and techniques they can immediately apply.
Also those who are looking to see if DA is the right approach to bring into your organization join us for these days and use the course progression to plan your internal agile strategy. Whether you have lots, some, or no agile knowledge and experience you will gain insights and new approaches to agile ways of working.
Daily Learning Objectives
- Day 1 - Understand the basics of Agile, be able to describe the artifacts, roles and ceremonies of an Agile approach, understand what a Scrum Board is, be able to write and estimate User Stories. If well experienced with Agile, this will serve as a review and validation of knowledge
- Day 2 - Understand the basics of Lean including; Principles of Lean, the time aspects of Lean, Value Stream Mapping, understand the role of management in Value Streams, understand how to use plan-do-study-act (PDSA) approach to optimization of value delivery. Recommended for all, however if well experienced in Lean, this will validate knowledge and review practices.
- Day 3 - Discover the basic elements and scope of Disciplined Agile, understand the full range of business agility, learn how to organize people into agile teams, understand where you fit into an agile team or organization, organize the flow of work within a team and across teams, learn how teams can work differently yet still be governed consistently. This is mandatory for certification.
- Day 4 - Learn how to lead your team through a tailoring workshop to identify their initial way of working (WoW), select the best-fit lifecycle for your team, choose the Disciplined Agile goal diagrams that are most relevant to your team’s situation, apply the relevant goal diagrams to identify techniques and practices that are most likely to work in your team’s context, Improve retrospectives by using tools from Disciplined Agile to identify techniques that will more accurately address your current challenges. This is mandatory for certification.
All of this will be coupled with a dynamic, interactive, online learning environment.
Attendees will be registered on Disciplined Agile Consortium to receive DA communications, engage with the DA community, and track their certification progress. Includes one free attempt of the Disciplined Agile certification test when taken within 30 days of the course end date.
Total PDU’s 28:
- Leadership (3.5)
- Technical (24.5)
For use during the course, students must already own (or purchase) a copy of the book Choose Your WoW!: A Disciplined Agile Delivery Handbook for Optimizing Your Way of Working (WoW) by Scott Ambler & Mark Lines.
Instructor - Beth Ouellette
Beth is the Founder and CEO of The Ouellette Group, LLC, and the visionary behind MAGI-DA (MAGI-DA.com) a specialized practice of The Ouellette Group solely focused on Disciplined Agile training and coaching. Beth’s global experience in helping organizations create a better way of working to achieve their strategic goals will bring to life the practices and principles of Choosing Your WoW. Beth is a Certified Disciplined Agile Instructor and Certified Disciplined Agile Coach and excited to be a part of your journey and help create your story.
Certification Test and DALSM Coaching
The DALSM Certification test fee is included in the registration fee. The test is a non-proctored online test. As a value add we include an optional coaching opportunity for each participant to help map your strategy in preparation for the exam. This is an opportunity to work with the Instructor to ensure you are prepared for the exam.
About Disciplined Agile (DA)
Disciplined Agile (DA) is a process-decision tool kit that provides straightforward guidance to help people, teams, and organizations to streamline their processes in a context-sensitive manner.
DA provides a solid foundation for business agility by showing how the various activities such as Solution Delivery (software development), IT Operations, Enterprise Architecture, Portfolio Management, Security, Finance, Vendor Management and many others work together. DA also describes what these activities should address, provides a range of options for doing so, and describes the trade-offs associated with each option.
Please note: Course tuition is non-refundable, though it is transferrable to another participant.
DALSM 4-Day Course
Includes Foundations of Agile, Lean, Disciplined Agile and Choosing Your WoW
$1,800.00Sale endedDALSM 3-Day Course
Includes Foundations of Lean, Disciplined Agile and Choosing Your WoW
$1,350.00Sale endedDALSM 2-Day Course
Includes Foundations of Disciplined Agile and Choosing Your WoW
$900.00Sale ended